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Release Stuck Trauma with Brainspotting

Writer's picture: Lauren BurtLauren Burt

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

Are you struggling to find trauma healing through traditional talk therapy alone? Have you heard of brainspotting for trauma?

Brainspotting is a form of therapy that uses the brain-body connection, rather than the conscious mind, to help process trauma. It also uses a person’s visual sense to identify areas in their field of vision where they feel “stuck,” or fixated. These fixation points connect to areas in the body where trauma may be stuck, offering an avenue to access trauma that doesn’t involve reliving it. With proper guidance, directing purposeful attention toward these focus points can allow people to process and heal the impacts of trauma on their body. This also helps to heal its impacts on their mind.

Woman Standing in Field of Flowers | Brainspotting for Trauma in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapy in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapist in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting For Anxiety in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Online Therapy | 90042 | 91103 | 91502

Holding Space to Process Feelings is Integral to Healing Trauma

The goal of trauma therapy is not to completely heal or get rid of the trauma that is stuck in our bodies or in our brains. We want to lessen the frequency, intensity, and duration of our triggered responses. When we get triggered, that is a sign that there is some old stuff that is getting kicked up through the current event or person that we are experiencing in that moment. Have you ever heard the phrase “if you’re hysterical, it’s historical”? You may not necessarily get “hysterical”, but you are in an active stress response. This looks different for each individual. Our body tells us what is happening without us even having to ask. Increased heart rate, drop in the stomach, shaking, sweating, shorter breaths.. these are all signs of an immediate stress response.

In utilizing various modalities to target trauma, including Brainspotting for trauma, we can start to break up these stuck spots in the brain and in the body. Our brain and body are very willing to heal and they do desire that healing. Working with a qualified trauma therapist who will ease this process, guide you through it, and hold space for you to process anything that comes up in your session is integral in healing trauma.

How much Brainspotting is needed? How many sessions should you expect to have in order for movement to happen?

Sometimes one session is all that is needed to break up the specific trauma that keeps showing up in your life. Sometimes many sessions are needed. There is not one guaranteed formula for everyone. There is science to the method, but not to the person. Our trained Brainspotting therapists will meet with you for a few initial sessions to understand what your trauma is, where it comes from, and how to formulate the approach that will best suit your individual needs.

Candle on Table with Rocks | Brainspotting for Trauma in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapy in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapist in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting For Anxiety in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Online Therapy | 90042 | 91103 | 91502

Our Brainspotting Therapists Prioritize the Feeling of Safety

Each brainspotting therapist understands that without the feeling that you are safe in the room, you will not be able to access the trauma completely. This takes time and trust to foster these feelings. This is where talk therapy is very important and imperative to Brainspotting for trauma. Here at the Holding Space, we don’t jump into a Brainspotting session without first creating that bond between client and therapist. It is a joint process in deciding when you are ready to have your first session of Brainspotting therapy with your therapist.

Sometimes, many deep emotions come up during a Brainspotting session and sometimes they arise immediately. Sometimes with clients, these feelings and trauma take a long time to access. It all depends on the trauma we are accessing, the defenses that have been up in place to protect that trauma, and the willingness of the client to get vulnerable with their therapist. This is why we spend the time that we spend with our clients utilizing talk therapy before beginning Brainspotting for trauma. Regardless of what comes up or doesn’t, how intense it is or isn’t, our therapists specialize in how to hold space for all those emotions.

It is Normal to Feel Tired after a Brainspotting Therapy Session

Your brain is working really hard to remove enough defenses to let the trauma be moved. As we mentioned earlier, your brain WANTS to heal. It WANTS to lessen the trauma it has been holding. We help it find the avenue to make that happen. So after the work that your brain does for you, it needs a break and some rest. Your body will tell you exactly what it needs and that is usually rest, self-love, and self-care. We are big fans of gentleness.

Woman Writing in Notebook with Laptop | Brainspotting for Trauma in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapy in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Therapist in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting For Anxiety in Los Angeles, CA | Brainspotting Online Therapy | 90042 | 91103 | 91502

Begin Brainspotting Therapy with The Holding Space in Los Angeles, CA

Brainspotting is one of many forms of therapy offered by our holistic team of therapists here at The Holding Space. We utilize talk therapy in conjunction with Brainspotting for a truly effective and long-lasting result. To find out if Brainspotting therapy, or any of our other therapeutic modalities, might be a fit for your needs, follow the steps below:

  1. Reach out to schedule a free consultation.

  2. Speak with a skilled brainspotting therapist.

  3. Start living a happier life!

Other Therapy Services Offered at The Holding Space in Los Angeles, CA

At the Holding Space, we offer more than just Brainspotting therapy in Los Angeles, CA. We provide many other forms of therapy to help people work through their mental health needs. We also specialize in other therapy services including Anxiety treatment, Depression treatment, Relational therapy, Sex and Intimacy therapy, LGBTQ+ Affirmative therapy, Art Therapy, and Therapy for Addiction. Contact us today to learn more about our Los Angeles-based practice and take the first step to a happier, more fulfilling life.

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